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Hospital update for next week

Here's the update on the Bluffton Hospital construction project for next week.

. Structural steel installation and framing of the two-story addition, which includes the new emergency department and other services, is approaching completion. Contractors are installing second floor decking. A "Topping Out" celebration is being planned in observance of the last piece of the structural steel being placed. The ceremony will be Wednesday, Oct. 6 at 10 a.m. The community is invited to attend.

. Inside work continues with framing new walls and hanging HVAC duct work for the new operating room, and the masons will be putting stone brick on the exterior of this area. The installation of this brick will require the radiology corridor exit to be temporarily closed.

. Masonry and concrete work will begin near the back fence. This may periodically disrupt pedestrian traffic along the walking path. Please be careful and follow the workers' directions.

. Emergency exit ramps are complete and have been approved by the building inspectors.

. The Village of Bluffton, administration and police, have asked that parking be limited on Harmon Road for those businesses and residents on the east side. They have also asked that contractor parking be limited as well. When emergency vehicles occupy the hospital side of the street it impedes traffic flow with a narrow path.
