The snow blower works, sort of, in case you wonder

With The Icon's winter weather warning level at "partly screwed," we'd like to poll the viewers of a couple subjects.

The site is a weather site pointed out to us by Lindsay Steiner in Kent. She forwarded the map. We asked for permission to use it and received the okay.

In case you are wondering, it is possible to use a small push snow blower on this stuff. Our's is called a snow "thrower." We tried it at 7 a.m. this morning. It worked, sort of. Blew out the driveway. It took three passes; usually needs one swipe.

However, there is a lot of solid ice out there and our two-cycle (or is it three-cycle?) snow thrower couldn't penetrate it.

Back to the poll. We're interested in hearing viewers' comments on all this stuff. Are you a prison in your house? Have you tried to get out? Have you checked out 12 movies from the public library on Monday? How are you keeping your sanity and humor in all this?

Later this morning we are going to head up to Common Grounds and see if Phil Zimmerly (hey, today is Groundhogs Day!) saw his shadow. We'll give us a video report later this morning.

In the meantime, let's hear from you.

Over and out.