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Superintendent waiting for new Ohio governor to reveal school funding plans

"In the next few months we will know more from the new governor on his plan to fund schools over the next two years," writes Greg Denecker, Bluffton school superintendent, in the winter school district newsletter released to residents of the school district this week.

Denecker's first-page column added that what we currently know is that the State of Ohio will be looking to save around $5 to $8 billion depending on which estimate is used for the state budget projections.

"School funding is a large part of the state budget and we have already lost over $160,000 in funding to our district in the past two years," he said. "We receive about 57 percent of our budget from the state, four percent from the federal government and 39 percent from local tax dollars."

His column continued: "With the state budget in a major shortfall, we will probably see a significant reduction in our state revenue in the near future. We are trying our very best to stay off the ballot for new tax dollars, so with fiscal responsibility in mind we have made reductions of staffing through retirements to help our financial outlook.

"We will continue to look for ways to save money when feasible and to have as minimal an impact on student learning as possible."

Denecker also announced that the school district has been approved as a Race to the Top Grant School. That means that Bluffton schools will receive $25,000 per year over a four-year period. The funds will be used to phase in new content standards, offer professional development and incorporate technology into Bluffton's teaching strategies.
