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Junior bowlers recognized at Southgate Lanes for 2010-11 season

Southgate Lanes recognized junior league bowlers in its annual end-of-season awards ceremony held April 2. John Dailey and Derek Dukes presented the awards.

Click here to view all the photos of winners.

Click here to view a You Tube video of all bowlers.

Eagles League second place - (team name: 3 to 1) from left, Xavier O'Neal, Danny Klingler, Arielle O'Neal and Derek Carr.

Eagles League champs - (team name: The Goofballs) from left, Brayton Businger, Danny Setzer, Kaden Reneker, Casey McGuire (absent).

Boys and girls individual high scores - from left, Molly McCracken, Jayden Foltz, Amy Marquart, Braylon Businger.

Hot Shot League second place -Ashley Sickles (absent: Katie Palte, Stacie Palte and Sabring Shrider).

Hot Shot League champs - From left, Richie Streiche, Natasha Shields, Brandon Hemry, Tyler Snyder.

Scotch Doubles C Division - First place Danny Klingler and Jolene Klingler; second place Arielle O'Neal and Tiffany Thomas; third place Xavier O'Neal and Tiffany Thomas.

Scotch Doubles B Division - First place Kaleb Jefferson and Jamie Hoffer (absent); second place Molly McCracken and Jay McCracken; third place Malik Wilson (absent) and Eric George.

Scotch Doubles A Division - First place Tyler Snyder and Chris Snyder; second place Brandon Hemry and Tyler Breidenbach; third place Natasha Shields and DeWayne Shields.
