Library and Greg's team up for a - "Say Cheese!" - amateur photo contest
Do you enjoy taking photographs? Have great shots of your children? Favorite vacation scenes? Maybe your passion is capturing nature in your own backyard.
If you take photos for the fun and joy of it, you are eligible to participate in Bluffton Public Library's Amateur Photo Contest.
The photo contest, sponsored by Greg's Pharmacy, will award more than $800 in prizes.
First place prize is valued at $175, second place at $75 and third place at $50. Over $500 worth of additional prizes will be awarded via random drawings that will be held throughout the contest so you may win a prize for your photo entry even if your entry is not selected for first, second or third place. Better yet, you may win a random prize and a first, second or third place prize.
Contest guidelines, criteria and registration information are available at Greg's Pharmacy, Bluffton Public Library and online at and Facebook.
Entries will be accepted at the library from June 6 through July 29, 2011.Whether you take new photographs this summer or have some old favorites, pick up a contest guideline sheet and enter soon. The more entries you submit, the more chances you have to win random drawing prizes.
Random prizes include tickets to a wide variety of festivals, attractions and events so your entry just may lead you to a new destination this summer.
For a printer-friendly copy of contest rules open the attachment at the bottom of this story.
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