Lenten service on February 28 at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
On Wednesday, February 28, Pastor Samuel Johnson from Abiding Word Lutheran Church, Bowling Green, will be the guest pastor at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main Street, Jenera.
The Lenten service will begin at 7:00 p.m. The theme is: "God on Trial: Truth." We will see that the truth is not an idea, but a person -- Jesus Christ. He is the only way and the only truth. Readings are: Mark 14:27-42; and John 18:33-40. The hymns are: "You are the Way; O Jesus, King Most Wonderful; and In the Hour of Trial."
The Luther Society is hosting a free sloppy joe supper beginning at 5:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend the suppers and services, and the church is handicapped accessible.
More information is at 419-326-4685 or at www.tlcjenera.org/ The services are livestreamed and archived.