By Aline Kamatali, APRN-CNP, FNP-C, MPH, LL.M, LL.B
Certified Nurse Practitioner, Physicians Plus Urgent Care
Obesity Facts
Obesity is a significant public health challenge in the United States, with more than 40% of adults affected, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
By Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
On September 15, 1980, American rocker Pat Benatar released her single Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Eddie Schwartz, who wrote and produced the song, was inspired after he started using bioenergetics. His therapy was punching a pillow. Bioenergetics involves improving well-being while releasing blocked energy.
Certified Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Center of Northwest Ohio
The holiday months (mid-November to post-January) can be extremely difficult for loved ones suffering from mental illness. It’s postulated that family members and friends can reach intolerable levels of anxiety and depression during this time due to accentuated family dynamics, financial strain, and other stressors.
By Torrie Smith, Student Pharmacist and Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
In 1993, the romantic comedy Sleepless in Seattle, starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, was released. The movie was one of the top grossing films of 1993. The movie was inspired by An Affair to Remember (1957) and Love Affair (1939). Interestingly, Rita Wilson, who is married to Tom Hanks, plays his sister in the movie.
Can being sleepless or having altered sleep patterns affect your health?
As children transition from summer to school, parents frequently consult pediatricians for sleep problems. Whether children are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, poor sleep can wreak havoc on a child’s physical health, mood and school performance. Furthermore, when children don’t sleep, neither do their parents, which can mean that entire families are affected by disruptions in sleep patterns.
By Alli Meinert, Student Pharmacist and Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
Robert Frost’s 20-line narrative poem The Road Not Taken was published in the August 1915 issue of Atlantic Monthly. He released a collection of his poetry in 1916 titled Mountain Interval. In the poem, there are two equal paths covered in leaves and one must decide their path.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has two paths for approving an over the counter (OTC) supplement. Is there a difference? ▶︎