By Matthew Nienberg, PA-C
Pain Management, Blanchard Valley Pain Management
Have you felt burning and stinging in your feet that just will not go away? What about tingling, numbness or an inability to feel hot or cold sensations? If these symptoms sound familiar, and you are a patient with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you may be experiencing symptoms associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage, typically starting in the toes and feet, caused by elevated blood sugar levels. While symptoms are most commonly reported in the toes and feet, as the disease progresses, they may be experienced further up the legs and into the hands. While symptoms for some can be mild, others may report severe pain and loss of function. ▶︎
By Lily Shadle, Student Pharmacist and Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
“Happy accident” is an idiom meaning something good happens unexpectedly when it otherwise could have been a problem. Around 5,000 BC when milk was exposed to warm temperatures and bacteria, yogurt was the happy accident.
By Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
In 1967, Walt Disney released The Jungle Book movie based on Rudyard Kipling’s book. Robert and Richard Sherman wrote the song Trust in Me (The Python’s Song) for the movie release.
By Marlee Luck, PharmD, RPh
Pharmacy Resident, Blanchard Valley Health System
Have you ever forgotten to take a couple of doses of your antibiotics? Have you ever saved your antibiotics “just in case” you need them in the future? Have you ever taken someone else’s antibiotic? Answering yes to any of these questions contributes to increased antibiotic resistance, which is a worldwide issue.
By Katie Prater, Student Pharmacist and Karen Kier, Pharmacist
On behalf of the ONU HealthWise team
“Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don’t” was a classic TV commercial in the 1970s that advertised the candy bars Almond Joy and Mounds. Mounds is dark chocolate-covered coconut, while Almond Joy is milk chocolate-covered coconut with almonds. Mounds was introduced in 1921 and Almond Joy did not hit the market until 1946. Mounds was popular with the U.S. Military during World War II, which they purchased for soldier rations.