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Iconoclast View

Post office, Bluffton Icon, Senior Center on Santa's payroll

The Bluffton Post Office, The Bluffton Icon and the Bluffton Senior Citizens Center have signed on the with fat guy in the red suit this month. Youngsters of any age many write letters to Santa. A special mail box for the letters is located in the lobby of the Bluffton Post Office. The Icon will publish the letters. If a name and return address is printed on the letter, the elves at the Senior Citizens Center will send a reply to the writer. Letters will appear in the "Young Citizens" folder on The Icon.


Front row seat!

Check out our Blaze of Lights parade photos.

Go to "Photo Galleries" and click on "Blaze of Lights."

We will continue to add more Blaze photos throughout the day.

While in our Photo Gallery check out our "Feature Photos."


The one that got away...

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

I can probably count on one hand the few important times in our married life that my husband did not have a camera at his side. The day we got married. The day our daughter got married. The moment each of our daughters took their first steps (this counts as two). The day we saw a bald eagle.


Bob Beer obvious choice for library board

Bob Beer is the obvious choice as the newest member of the Bluffton Public Library Board. Although he is the newest member, being appointed to fill an unexpired term, he may be among the most experienced of candidates, having recently left the board after completing a seven-year term.


Iconoclast view: 60 times around the block

By Fred Steiner

Recently it occurred to me that I would soon (on Nov. 9) enter my sixth decade of existence. Wanting to make the event memorable I asked my wife for suggestions on how to celebrate it.

She immediately went on Facebook and asked a host of people who I hardly recognize what I ought to do 60 times on Nov. 9. Several yawned. A couple responded.

It was my nephew, Nate of Homewood, Illinois, whose response caught my attention. He suggested to "drive the trailer to the dump 60 times."

Allow me to explain.


Reader asks: "Why the time change?"

Icon reader Kathleen Mikkelsen of the Mennonite Memorial Home poses an interesting question. Here it is:

"Thanks for this web site! Is this the place for questions? What is the original reason for this change in our time, spring and fall? In asking around, some say, 'golfers' - school children- farmers. Could you print the real reason. thanks!

Readers are welcome to respond.

