Okay, it's New Year's Eve. The party conversation is dwindling. Here's a little game to play to liven things up. See who can score the highest in the The Bluffton Icon first-ever "Do you really know Bluffton on new year's eve contest."
1 point for each correct:
1 - Name the mayor of Bluffton
2 - Name the school superintendent
3 - Name the president of Bluffton University
2 points for each correct:
4 - Name the CEO of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce
Notice anything different in The Icon home page? Look closely. We've created some fine-tuning, which makes things easier for viewers.
First, we've expanded the list of stories posted (check out the top, right-hand corner). Previously we listed the six most recent stories posted. Now there are 12 listed. Also, if you wish to check out the 10 most recent stories with relative ease, click the link at the bottom of the 12 stories. That link will reveal the 10 most recent stories and you may view them in one fell swoop, so to speak.
I have a lot of heroes, but the one that ranks right up at the top is my mother. She'll probably snort with laughter when she sees that, but it's true. After all, how many 87-year-olds still work at two different retail stores several times a month, teach piano lessons, walk a half mile or ride a stationary bike most days, drive themselves most places, act as chauffeur to their non-driving friends, serve as an officer in her quilt club, make quilts for their grandchildren, take courses through ILR, sing in the Messiah every year and sing in the church choir?
Our house is (literally) going to the dogs. At the moment, one tiny Schnauzer is curled up in what he thinks is his chair -- the recliner -- pretending to be asleep because he thinks he's so cute that no one will bother him. He's right. He's cute.
In the living room, Harvey, a large black lab-dachschund-Bassett hound blend has taken over the couch. One sleepy eye opens slowly whenever someone approaches. He too is convinced that he so cute no one would dream of making him share his perch. He too is probably correct in his assumptions.
My memories of the best Christmas ever come in a package wrapped from stores located in the Lima square.
I know. It's sounds impossible to viewers born after Neil A. walked on the moon; but it's true.
There was nothing...nothing like going to Lima and shopping downtown for Christmas. Picture this: Somewhere on South Main there was Porter's Music Store. You could actually select a 33 1/3 rpm album, enter a listening booth and listen to the album in privacy. That way you'd know if you wanted to buy it or pass.
Welcome to The Icon clue hunber number one. It's a test run. No prizes. It's a prototype to work out the kinks. We invite Icon viewers to try this clue hunt, react to us and in early 2010 we will launch a hunt on a regular basis with prizes. So, imagine there are prizes for this one, try it and see how it works.