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A return to routine


It's time. Time for life to return to routine. Which, by the way, I love. I thrive on routine. Vacations are nice for awhile, but sooner or later, my brain begs for routine. I want to go to bed at 9:30 p.m. and get up at 5:30 a.m. I want to hit the road running by 6 a.m. I want to get to work by 8:15 a.m. Okay, that was a lie. 8:30 a.m.


What bad coffee and great rolls do to the mind

By Fred Steiner

It's all Greg Ring's fault.

His wife, Mary, prepared the most divine breakfast rolls of 2010 for our family. Greg dropped off this artistic work on his way to church. Ah, now for a good cup of coffee. The day - heck, the week - will be complete with this combination: hot rolls and coffee. The problem is, I can't make a decent cup of coffee. Can't put my finger on the reason. But my coffee rests in the C- grade range. I know this because no one will drink it. Not even my daughters.


Random thoughts from 2009


It's 8:15 p.m. Dec. 31, 2009. I have just been beaten in Scrabble -- again -- by my mother, who does the Sudoku puzzle every day and has a mind like a steel trap. This I know is true. She is smarter than anyone else I know, maybe even smarter than my dad. He couldn't -- or maybe wouldn't -- balance the checkbook, but could dissect a cat with his eyes blindfolded.


What we'd like to see in Bluffton in 2010

It's crazy, but for the past several years we've been able to name the year by simply stating "07," or "08," or "09." Not no more. "0 10"? It's simply "10," and it is bound to cause confusion.

Perhaps that's why "10" is going to be such a confused year in our prediction. There are several things we'd like to see in "10." There we said it again, and still comes out confusing.

Anyway, we'd like to see the following in "10" but don't bet on it.

1 - A return of the College-Main stop light.

2 - Mayor's court remain in Bluffton.


Play the Bluffton Icon New Year's Eve party game

Okay, it's New Year's Eve. The party conversation is dwindling. Here's a little game to play to liven things up. See who can score the highest in the The Bluffton Icon first-ever "Do you really know Bluffton on new year's eve contest."

1 point for each correct:

1 - Name the mayor of Bluffton

2 - Name the school superintendent

3 - Name the president of Bluffton University

2 points for each correct:

4 - Name the CEO of the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce


If you like The Icon now, wait until you see what's coming in 2010

Notice anything different in The Icon home page? Look closely. We've created some fine-tuning, which makes things easier for viewers.

First, we've expanded the list of stories posted (check out the top, right-hand corner). Previously we listed the six most recent stories posted. Now there are 12 listed. Also, if you wish to check out the 10 most recent stories with relative ease, click the link at the bottom of the 12 stories. That link will reveal the 10 most recent stories and you may view them in one fell swoop, so to speak.

