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Iconoclast View

Auschwitz - a brief reflection

Note: The Icon recently invited members of the Bluffton University Communication 105 class to submit material for publication. The following is the first of a four-part series of "opinion pieces" by Whitney Zumberger, a member of the class. We invite viewer comments on this series.


Inonoclast view: Teenage interracial dating

Note: The Icon recently invited members of the Bluffton University Communication 105 class to submit material for publication. The following is the first of a four-part series of "opinion pieces" by Whitney Zumberger, a member of the class. We invite viewer comments on this series.


All village Internet service turned off on Sunday

All Internet service in Bluffton will be turned off on Easter Sunday as a precaution against potential wireless router damage. The blackout will occur from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m, Sunday, April 4, according to officials who have planned the event.

When no Internet service available, some Internet addicts will search for hot spots in the village that may be high enough on ground to pick up signals, although it is doubtful that many areas will be discovered.


Did you know that 77 percent of the Icon viewers clip their fingernails?

Somewhere in a bookstore is a book titled "How to Lie With Statistics." We dusted that old timer off the shelf and present you a column on the "average" Icon viewer's opinion.

Based only on our frequent poll questions posed at the bottom of the home page, we've created the perfect snapshot of the Icon viewer. We aren't lying about the findings; we simply realize there's no scientific proof to our findings. So, perhaps we are lying with statistics.

Nevertheless here's's how Icon viewers have expressed themselves in several of our ever-so-serious questions:


Leland Lehman contributed much to the Bluffton community

Willis Sommer wrote the following about Leland Lehman, who died recently. In our mind, Lee is what a small town is all about. The views of Willis parallel our thought exactly.

Bluffton lost a faculty stalwart with the death of Leland Lehman. Lee came to Bluffton in 1968 as Professor of Economics after holding faculty positions at Dennison and Macalester.


Icon makes it easier for viewers to post comments

Ryan Lowry is the website developer for the Bluffton Icon and offers technological tips for Bluffton Icon viewers.

One of the greatest features of online news is the ability to share information and ideas with others. In order to expand on this feature, The Icon has been testing out different methods of user comments. At first, we allowed anyone to comment freely. Unfortunately, we began to get bombarded with spam and had to disable comments.

