No, this is not just "another" Bluffton history book. Here's a history book centering on historical footnotes cut from all the other attempts at writing Bluffton history. You might consider it a collection of scraps from the wastebasket of Bluffton's history writers.
Fred Steiner of The Icon is compiling the book in behalf of the Bluffton Sesquicentennial committee.
Flood a small town and suddenly everyone wants to see what's happening. The Feb. 28 flood set one-day viewing records for The Icon.
While The Icon has averaged between 500 to 600 viewers per day on Feb. 28 The Icon had 3,472 individual viewers. That topped the previous record when a deer walked into a downtown Bluffton bar.
On Nov. 6, 2010, The Icon had 1,477 viewers watch the deer crash through Luke's Bar and Grill window. We thought that was impressive.
This column is exclusively for Beaverdam High School alumni. Tracy Steele provided The Icon with a copy of the Winter 2011 "Tattler." It's the newsletter of the Toledo Woodward High School Hall of Fame Association.
What does this have to do with Beaverdam? Keep reading. On April 9 the 29th annual induction celebration of Woodward's Hall of Fame takes place. One of the inductees is Lou Meszaros (posthumous), who was a science teacher and football coach at Woodward.
By Julie Stratton
Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio
It is one of those big debates of life that always trip us up and last week it raised it's ugly head in a conversation with my friend, "cake or pie?"
If you have ever found yourself in this debate you will get a vast array of passionate answers. Most people are either one or the other. I have to say that I fall into the pie enthusiast category.
Two-minute warning. Make that 24-hour and counting warning. You may still enter The Bluffton Icon Super Bowl 45 (that's XXXXV if you took Latin) contest.
Over 75 contestants have entered so far. Entering is simple. Click on the box on the top right side of The Icon's home page, answer the questions and hit "submit."