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Icon learns some important details about Dean Niswander's "Red Baby" (aka 1928 Chevy 2-door sedan)

Former Bluffton resident Evan Herr provided some additional information about the "Red Baby."

#1 cost $50.
#2 had a broken rear axle when purchased.
#3 went to Chev. Amstutz & bought a used one.
#4 work on car was done at C.F. Niswander & Son business Bldg
#5 we put 600/16 tires on car.
#6 interior painted white
#7 many lights
#8 radio


Take the Icon new year's quiz (don't look at the answers until you finish)

Good bye 2010.

Let's see how absorbed you are in Bluffton. Here's a quiz -sorry, no prizes - centering Bluffton 2010 and 2011. Let's see what you know. Each question is worth 1 point. Two bonus questions are available. You may choose which one you wish to answer. It is worth 3 points.

If you play this at a new year's eve party and enter into any disputes over answers do not call The Icon. Settle it yourselves.


New Year's Eve caroling: a cultural gem deep in our community's bedrock

By Fred Steiner

To best understand our community, it's helpful to appreciate the musical gene of those who carry a Bluffton birthmark.

Growing up in a household bursting of Swiss traditions, this truth became obvious early on in the shaping of my own attitude toward events swirling around me.

A case in point is the David Rothen New Year's caroling folklore. My parents' reference to this event centered on their teen years in the late 1920s.


Icon adds new Facebook Friends feature

The Icon is happy to announce a new feature launched today (Dec. 28). On the bottom right side of the home page is a link to Facebook Friends of the Icon.

The feature lists all activities involving The Icon through Facebook. Also featured are comments when Icon Facebook friends click that they like an Icon story.

To become an Icon Facebook friend click here, or click on the Facebook icon on the bottom right side of the Icon home page. Once on the Facebook page click "like."


Need a little post-Christmas cash? Sell it in a free Icon classified

Christmas is over. Want to earn a little cash to pay off some bills? Remember that The Icon's classified ads are free (except for vehicles and properties for sale). We're not suggesting you unload any white elephant Christmas gifts. But, we won't tell if you do.

Icon classifieds have the extra punch of allowing persons to submit jpg photos at no charge.


And there appeared a duo of wise angel men

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

According to Luke 2, a Heavenly host of angels appeared on Christmas Eve. Well, technically, no one is sure of what time they appeared. But they did. And then, of course, along came the Wise Men. Okay, so today - Christmas Eve - two, well, let's just call them Wise angel men, appeared at Bluffton Family Rec center, as I was running around the track.

