Iconoclast View

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner
It's one thing to be sitting in your house, listening to hailstones hit the roof. It's quite another thing to be driving in a car when ping-pong sized hailstones begin smacking the car. It's loud. Distracting. Frightening.

Rudi Steiner, Icon columnist-in-residence, provided the following column in anticipation of the Bluffton High School class of 1961 50th reunion in July. It was recently e-mailed to members of the class. Rudi now of Homewood, Illinois, is the brother of Fred Steiner of Bluffton.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

My husband is engaged in an all-out battle with the squirrels that want to feast on our bird feeders. This is, of course, a long-standing feud, and one that neither side is willing to give up on.

For more blogs by MPS click here.

Over the years, he's launched several plans, each designed to one-up the furry tailed creatures. A few years ago, for Christmas, I gave him a long-handled hook that - according to the seller - was guaranteed to out-fox the squirrels.

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

Random thoughts, my usual fall-back blog topic, seems too, well, random. Musings sound so much more meditative, more thoughtful. Since I've been on a short four-day weekend "vacation", my time to muse meditatively has been productive.

For more blogs by Mary click here.

Pot attacked by squirrel

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

Last Sunday, the rain let up just enough that I decided it was time to do some planting. Despite a hankering for a new high-rise raised bed, I'd decided instead to do mostly container gardening.

Read more of Mary's blogs by clicking here.

Having done this successfully several years ago, and bolstered by an article posted on the Stratton Greenhouses Facebook page, I headed out to the playhouse.

The Icon intended to write a column about Dan Groman, who is stepping down as the Bluffton Scoutmaster. Today we received this letter from a Scout family. It states much better what we had planned to say.

Our son, Taylor Jay, started in the Scouting World in the 7th grade. We thought, "Great, he will receive a few badges, go to camp and have fun."

Yes, this did happen, but there was so much more. Scoutmaster Dan Groman was no ordinary Scoutmaster; his passion for each and every boy was felt by all and was seen through his actions.
