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School board names Ken Lugibihl to replace Dan Rumer

The Bluffton school board named Ken Lugibihl to replace Dan Rumer on the board during a special meeting held May 25.

Rumer resigned earlier this month for health reasons. Lugibihl will fill Rumer's seat for the next year and a half. If he chooses to seek election he will be running on the November 2011 general election ballot.

Lugibihl is owner of Lugibihl Auto and Truck Sales, State Route 103. He has served as president of the Bluffton Child Development Center board of directors. He also served on the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce board.


If only the stock market would follow the rising temperatures

If only the stock market would follow the rising temperatures. Bluffton's high temperature readings over the seven days from May 18 to 24 rose from 58 to 84. Here's the high and low and precipitation during that period.

Date High Low Precipitation
May 18 58 52 0.10

May 19 69 50

May 20 78 45

May 21 73 60 0.57

May 22 75 59 0.01


Who are you SP?

Putnam County plate spotted on Main Street one evening, probably on a trip the the Shannon Theatre. No clue to the meaning.


Buccaneers sign-up on Thursday

Sign-ups for Bluffton Buccaneers midget football will be Thursday, May 27, from 6-7:30 at the Middle School cafeteria. Parents can also register their child at, according to Mac Davies.


A real pet lover

One thing for certain: the owner of this vehicle loves pets. We spotted it on College Avenue while the BHS seniors were painting the street.


School board could make board appointment Tuesday

Bluffton High School's Show Choir entertained the crowd at Saturday's arts and crafts show. The choir, directed by Kara Gratz, performed in the morning in front of Citizens National Bank.

The Bluffton school board will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 26, for the purpose of considering a board member to replace Dan Rumer who recently resigned from the board. The meeting is at 7 p.m.

According to the board's agenda, the board will discuss its options in executive session. Should the board agree on a replacement for Rumer that person could be appointed at the meeting.

