
Bluffton First United Methodist Church is inviting the community to a photo day on Monday, Oct 17 from 2:00-8:00 p.m. and Tuesday, Oct 18 from 3:00-8:00 p.m.

All are welcome to come and get a family or individual photo taken; you do not have to be church members or be included the directory. Participants will receive a free 8x10 photo just for coming, no purchase necessary. Options will be available to order prints that should all arrive in time for Christmas.

Bluffton Presbyterian Church will hold a Blessing of the Animals event on Saturday, October 1 on the church lawn at 112 N. Main St., Bluffton. The 10:30 a.m. service will feature short readings and an individual blessing for each animal in attendance.

The invitation: "Furry, scaled, winged, or hoofed – all animals and their pet parents are invited! Animals must be leashed, crated, or otherwise contained. Photographs of pets who cannot attend are also welcome."

Bluffton First United Methodist Church has announced a Community Breakfast:

  • 7:00-10:00 a.m.
  • Saturday, September 10
  • 116 Church Street, Bluffton

Free-will donations will be accepted.


Find this and other Bluffton area events on our Classifieds page under "Events of Interest."

At 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 21, Reverend Jeremy Mann will be installed as pastor at St. John’s United Church of Christ in Bluffton. The installation service takes place in the sanctuary of St. John’s which is located at the corner of Jackson Street and College Avenue. The service is open to the public.

The Reverend Dan Busch, Northwest Ohio Association Minister and Mary Ann Ewing, NWOA Church and Ministry Team representative, will be present for the installation service.  Local pastors and lay leaders from Emmanuel UCC and St. John’s will also participate in the service.

Beacon Life Ministries, 125 N. Main St. is getting a new head pastor. The church will be installing Steven Heinze at the 11:00  a.m. worship service on Sunday, August 21. The church also has a 9:30 a.m. Sunday school class.

Heinze is currently pursuing a Masters in Divinity from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (online).  

A summer-fall session of weekly GriefShare support group sessions has been scheduled at Bluffton Town Hall. This session will run from August 18-November 17.
