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Ebenezer Mennonite VBS starts June 6


Ebenezer Mennonite Church Vacation Bible School takes place from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Sunday to Thursday, June 6-10.

It is open to youth ages 4 to those who have just now completed fifth grade. The VBS theme is Rocky Railway.

A family night is planned from 6:30 to 8 p.m., Friday, June 11. The church is located at 8905 Columbus Grove Road, Bluffton.

Registration is online at:


Icon invites churches to send VBS information

Bluffton area congregations holding a Vacation Bible School are invited to contact the Bluffton Icon with VBS details.

The Icon will post VBS information and we need the following:
Church name
Date of VBS
Time of VBS
Ages of participants
Who to contact to register

We will accept flyers. Send VBS details to: [email protected]


Four students graduate from Trinity Lutheran School on May 30

Trinity Lutheran School’s graduation will be held on Sunday, May 30, during the 10:30 a.m. service at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Jenera.

Allison Stuckey is the class speaker. The class members are: Owen Clarence Achey, Maya Elizabeth Beagle, Mikayla Faith Norway and Allison Kay Stuckey. 

Trinity's Sunday service is now live streamed at 8 a.m., except when there is a special service at 10:30 a.m., as is the May 30 service.  Streaming is on YouTube: Trinity Lutheran Church Jenera.


The story of the Presbyterian gazebo

The new structure replaces one that existed in the 1890s

Some memories never fade.

One memory of a gazebo on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn lingered long enough that it returned, thanks to efforts of members of the congregation.

In the late 1890s  a gazebo, or “band box” located on the church lawn became the center of several community events from concerts to picnics.

No one is certain the when gazebo was removed. One thing is certain: it’s back. Last week, after considerable research by church members, a gazebo was constructed very near, if not on the exact spot of the original one.


Ministerial Association procession of the cross Friday

Starts at 11:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Catholic Church

Bluffton Area Ministerial Association will hold its Good Friday procession of the cross on April 2.

"We will have the cross loaded in a truck with folks walking behind socially distanced and preferably wearing masks. Family units are fine together," said Rev. Jeremy Mann, pastor of Emmanuel United Church of Christ.


Bluffton and area congregations celebrate Easter

Here's church schedules from Wednesday to Sunday

Bluffton and area churches observe Holy Week with many special worship services. Here is the list from the churches that contacted the Icon.

