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More random thoughts

You know how there are days when you've really screwed up and by the time you get home from work, your brain can conjure up only brief, random thoughts? Nothing really connects to the next thought except the realization that your brain is short circuited for the evening. Or maybe you don't have those kind of days. I do. This is one of them.

Random thought #1 -- We had some kind of squash for supper. I say some kind because we don't know. Maybe Jerry Suter knows. Maybe one of my brothers would know. I don't. Anyway, there were the seeds looking remarkably like pumpkin seeds. What would you do with seeds like that? I know what I'd do. I'd roast them. So we did. Roast them. Here's the strange thing. They start to pop when they're getting really hot. In fact, they continued to pop after we pulled the tray from the oven.

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