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Buy your BCE art auction ticket before June 15 and save some money

Here's a chance to get an early-bird ticket to this year's Bluffton Center for Entrepreneur's art auction and save some money. This year's auction is Saturday, Oct. 27, at The Centre.

On tickets purchased by June 15 persons may save $25 on a table for eight. After June 15 tables are $300.

The auction will raise funds for the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE), a non-profit business incubator.

The event, including an elegant dinner, will begin at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Centre at Bluffton. To purchase tickets, call 419 358-6400 or email [email protected].

The art accompanying this story is titled "Liminal Spaces," by Andreas Baumgartner. It was one of the art pieces auctioned in 2011.
