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St. John's UCC offers several special services in February

St. John's United Church of Christ, Bluffton, offers several worship options in February, according to Rev. Carol Clements, pastor. The schedule follows:

Sunday, February 3–10:30 a.m.–Four Chaplains’ Sunday.  American Legion sponsoring recognition of the Four Chaplains of various faiths who sacrificed their lives during World War 11.  Legionnaires are invited to come as a group.

Holy Communion will also be observed.

Sunday, February 10–10:30 a.m.–Northern Chimes, the Ohio Northern University bell choir, will take part in the morning worship service.  The three-octave bell choir will bring us various blends of music from hymns to renditions of favorite Bible stories to enhance our worship experience.  All are welcome to join us.

Following the worship service, a Groundhog Banquet will take place in Oppermann Hall.  In honor of Punxsutawney Phil, the second Sunday potluck will feature fanciful favorites named after the furry woodchuck. Come with a hearty appetite to enjoy Phil’s finest cuisine and join in fun-filled frivolity.

Sunday, February 17–10:30 a.m.–All Gospel Sunday.  St. John’s Choir and congregation will participate in singing Gospel music (some old and new songs) as part of an ecumenical service.

Come, join us for a Soul Food Potluck following the February 17  worship service.  You are encouraged to bring a dish of your favorite “comfort food” for everyone to sample.

Sunday, February 24–10:30 a.m.–Shining Through, a student ministry team from Bluffton University, will participate in the morning worship service.  Shining Through is comprised of 17 students who lead worship services through music, readings and drama.


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