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It's school outdoors for Bluffton 7th graders

Two nights, three days at Camp Berry

Photos by Jamie Nygaard
They didn’t do this when we were in school! Wish they did.

Earlier this month and for the fourth year, all Bluffton seventh graders participated in an Outdoor Camp learning experience at Camp Berry Boy Scout Camp in rural Findlay.


Kyle Leatherman, middle school principal, said that the two-night, three-day session had a focus on science and mathematics. Ninety-four students participated.

Lauren Moser is the seventh grade science teacher. 

During the camp, in small groups, students focused on:
• Identifying trees and plants
• CPR training
• Consumers and producers in nature
• Micro and macro nature systems• and, using math skills, determined the number of trees it might take to construction a house of a certain size

Students rotated around three different lessons each day. Other activities included canoeing, arts and crafts, archery and campfire building.

Students stayed in cabins during the experience and were accompanied by 15 to 18 parent volunteers.

• From left, Vanessa Weyer, Lindsay Theis, Hannah Ballinger
• Makayla Schweingruber
• Group photos of students
