Recap of January 12 Bluffton council meeting
By Paula Pyzik Scott
The first meeting of the Bluffton village council covered a lot of ground, and maps and diagrams. In reports from the village administration and council committees, numerous proposed and planned projects were reviewed for the committee of the whole.
Parks and Recreation - Councilor Ben Stahl noted that this group is discussing sign designs–and opportunities to recognize sponsors–for the still-to-be-named park being developed north of Snider Rd.
Pathway Board - Stahl reported that creating a link between Village Park on one side of I-75 and the newest length of pathway has the board exploring opportunities for ODOT-managed federal funding.
Planning Commission - Village Administrator Jesse Blackburn reported on a proposed N. Main residential development and the replatting of two Parkview lots, a meeting covered by the Icon HERE. He noted that the Planning Commission will meet again next week. (Packet pages 19-24.)
Cemetery Board - Fire Chief Jon Kinn reported on the most recent board meeting with cemetery sexton Greg Probst and plans to transfer several record books onto software, a project that will likely be budgeted for 2026.
Council passed the first reading of an ordinance and three resolutions. The action items are for enacting the 2025 Code of Ordinances, supporting the Lima-Allen county Regional Planning Commission as the local authority, advertising for bids on paving materials and supporting the Ohio Municipal League’s challenge of AT&T’s Tariff Application. (Packet pages 5-18.)
Assistant Village Administrator Bryan Lloyd presented details on the Enbridge Gas Main Replacement/Upsizing project which could start as early as January 21. The attached map shows where residents will be affected on Main, College, Geiger and Cherry streets.
Lloyd reported that Pocono Drive utility improvements was completed $13K under budget, emphasizing that crews “did not cut corners” but rather coordination with the Village allowed the best results.
Additional details can be found on packet pages 25-26.
Mayor Rich Johnson commended Village crews on their first major snow removal of the season.
Fire Chief Jon Kinn presented his annual report (also found on the Icon HERE), noting a major jump of 48 more calls for service than in 2023.
EMS Chief Jan Basinger also reported an increase in calls for service, totaling 821 in 2024. He said that patient transports, however, were down by 40. (Editor’s note: Council is scheduled to meet at 5:00 p.m. on January 16 to hire a full-time EMS Chief.)
Police Chief Ryan Burkholder presented a report for December 2024 calls for service. There were 12 criminal complaints made as follows:
Animal Complaint - 1
Mental Health - 1
Miscellaneous - 5
Persistent Disorderly Conduct - 1
No Operators License - 1
Theft - 1
Underage Consumption - Juvenile Offense - 1
Warrant Service - 1
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