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Bluffton native Dan Luginbuhl receives Russo racing writers award

Bluffton native Dan Luginbuhl received the annual Bob Russo Founders Award from the American Auto Racing Writers and Broadcasters Association. The presentation was made on May 28.

Luginbuhl is a 1963 Bluffton High School graduate. His sister is Becky Cox of Bluffton.

The presentation came at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in advance of Sunday’s 100th running of the Indianapolis 500.


Here's the future plans of members of the BHS class of 2016

A new class - the 135th - of Bluffton High School graduates and now launches careers and future plans.

For viewers interested in knowing those plans of the class of 2016, an attachment below provides details.

Here's the commencement program for the class of 2016. It includes:
• Commencement program cover
• Graduating list
• Commencement program
• Future plans of graduates


A day for remembering

Rev. John Stites of St. Mary's Catholic Church, spoke at the Bluffton Memorial Day observance on Monday in Maple Grove Cemetery.

Tree Commission meets June 7

The Village of Bluffton’s Tree Commission will meet at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 7, in the town hall, according to Nancy Kindle, village fiscal officer.





Jane Hoffman 1926-2016

Jane Hoffman, 89, died on Friday, May 27, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. at the Mennonite Memorial Home, Bluffton.

She was born on Nov. 11, 1926 in Lima, Ohio, to Francis and Lucille (Razor) Blosser who preceded her in death. On Oct. 11, 1947, she married Dallas Eugene Hoffman and he died on Nov. 24, 2010.


School's out - it's a good time to catch up with Tim Closson

Story and photos by Emily Ulrey

As a parent, I find it important to know the adults in my children’s lives, both in and out of school. Few adults can drop off a child in the morning, or pick them up in the afternoon and not be aware of certain people, especially one wearing a safety vest.

It’s certainly a rare thing to not be familiar with who Tim Closson is, and I find myself extremely impressed and appreciative of his efforts to assist our children as they cross the intersection in front of the Elementary School building each day.

