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School board's annual evaluation of superintendent, treasurer

And, preparations for negotiations with public employees on Monday

Bluffton school board will conduct an evaluation of Greg Denecker, superintendent, and Paula Parish, school treasurer, in an executive session on Monday. The evaluation is completed annually.

The board will also  prepare for negotiations with public employees and that will go into executive session also.

In other action, the board will act on a resolution recommending to opt out of career-technical education for seventh and eighth graders during 2020-21.

Breakfast and lunch prices for 2020-21 will be considered at the follow:


My, how they grow

On May 7 the Icon featured some recently-hatched ducklings with Mother Duck swimming in the Little Riley. We've watched the family grow up and now they are young adolescents and still favor the Little Riley neighborhood.

Take a summer art walk through Bluffton

Second installment of a weekly series featuring art of John Peter Klassen

Summer is a great time to explore the art spread across the Bluffton community – especially for viewers unable to visit art galleries elsewhere in Ohio.

As a weekly series, The Icon will feature the art created by John Peter Klassen, a long-time Bluffton College art professor.

For some viewers, this series is familiar. For others, it may be a first-time experience.


Photo project generates over $5,000 for food pantry

Altogether Jamie and Rae took 86 front porch photos this spring

Did Jamie Nygaard or Rae Staton take your photo on your front porch this spring?

Similar to the bears in the window, front porch photos emerged as a nationwide response activity to the covid-19 pandemic.

The two Bluffton photographers used their camera skills to raise money for a worthy local cause as they accepted donations by photographing residents on their porches.

Jamie had 60  photo sessions and Rae 26 photo session. Their efforts generated $5,100 for the Bluffton Community Assistance Program’s food pantry. Jamie raise $4,000 and Rae $1,100.


Bluffton's masquerade

As Bluffton downtown begins its re-opening masks are making a more prominent appearance. Guidelines from store to store vary, but it appears that masks are becoming a more acceptable clothing item.

Hey, let's see what showing at the library today

Lots of live video streaming options in July

Bluffton Public Library’s 2020 Summer Program features opportunities for patrons to watch live videos of local animals.

Live stream with llamas and staff of Hard Rock Llama Company of Ada on July 7; live stream with a variety of farm animals from The Quarry Farm of Pandora, Ohio every Friday; and watch a video from ​Pet Partners​, the therapy dogs and handlers who bring us Paws 2 Read ​throughout the year, starting on July 13.
