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Syrian refugee crisis to be addressed on Nov. 17

Bluffton University is hosting a discussion of the Syrian refugee crisis at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 17, in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Centennial Hall.

The program, featuring speaker Corine Dehabey of US Together in Toledo, is free and open to the public.

US Together, which also has offices in Columbus and Cleveland, is a nonprofit agency that was founded in 2003 in response to the needs of refugees and immigrants in central Ohio. It coordinates, organizes and initiates services to those who are unable to stay in their native countries.

Take a walk up north Main in November 1969

It's Nov. 22, 1969, in downtown Bluffton. Main Street businesses are in the midst of the most major makeover in the town's history. Awnings are being added to businesses.

The businesses in this photo are, from left, Rice's Tot Shop, Bluffton News, Bruce Shelly Nationwide, Dr. Allan Yoder, optometrist, and Greding Hardware.

Interesting to note that after 46 years there's still a newspaper, insurance office, optometrist and hardware in those businesses.

Dick Boehr took this photo. Notice the steps at the Tot Shop (today Bluffton News).


Several Veterans Day events planned Nov. 11

Cheryl and Thom Craig and Larry Core will be at the Bluffton Elementary School at 8 a.m. on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, to show 4th graders the correct procedure on folding the American flag.  

Members of Bluffton American Legion Post 382, Boy Scouts and Bluffton High School students will meet on the lawn by the high school and College Avenue at 10:30 a.m. for a ceremony about Veterans Day.  

Fred Rodabaugh. Commander of the Post will speak briefly and Misha Groman, will speak about the correct procedure of retiring a flag. Flags will be burnt in accordance to regulations.


Congressman Jordan will pay for all vets haircuts at Stoney's on Nov. 11

In celebration of Veterans Day, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Urbana) will meet with Bluffton area veterans and pay for their haircuts on Nov. 11, Veterans Day.

Rep. Jordan will be at Stoney’s Barbershop, 125 N. Main St., Bluffton, from noon-2 p.m. on Wednesday, and will pay for the haircut of any veteran who visits between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

This is the second time that Rep. Jordan has paid for veterans’ haircuts on Veterans Day. Last year he visited Ed’s Barber Shop in Crestline.


MHCO offering free, home delivered meals to vets on Nov. 11

In honor of Veterans Day, Mennonite Home Communities of Ohio (MHCO) is offering a free, home delivered meal to veterans living in the Bluffton and Pandora communities on Nov. 11. 

To order your meal in Bluffton, please call 419-358-1015, ext. 218.  To order your meal in Pandora, please call 419-384-3218.  You will be asked to provide your name, address and telephone number for delivery purposes. 

Hot meals will be delivered between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 pm on Nov. 11  to those that place an order.  Orders must be received by Monday, Nov. 9.


Suzanne McReynolds' cherry pie wins Maple Crest best of show

Is there anything more delicious than a homemade pie? 

Nearly 100 people got their fill of the homemade pies at the pie baking contest and spaghetti dinner hosted by Maple Crest Senior Living Village on Friday. 

This year, 24 pies were entered and judged in three different categories. 

Suzanne McReynolds won Best of Show with her Cherry Pie, winning the $100.00 grand prize. Each winner in the other categories received $50 for first, $25 for second and $15 for third place.

Fruit pies

