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Bluffton letter carriers ask you to help stamp out hunger on May 14

Letter carriers in Bluffton and Beaverdam will participate in the Annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 14.

The nationwide food drive is the largest one day food collection in the country, filling food pantries and food banks.

It is easy to help and participate. Just collect and bag non-perishable food items or paper products and or toiletries and place by your mailbox (early Saturday morning) or bring them to the Bluffton post office.

Do not include expired items or items in glass containers. Postal patrons who
live on walking routes are encouraged to bring their items directly to the Post Office.  Anyone wanting to help canvas the postal routes in town should contact Dave Huber at the post office.

The Bluffton Food Pantry will be the recipient of the drive. The Community
Assistance Program operates the pantry to the benefit of local families in
the Bluffton School District who fall within a certain income guideline.

 Jami Crawfis, director of the Community Assistance Program, says that over 100 families benefit from the program.

Items in need that they often run short on include - canned fruit, meat, tuna, cereal, peanut butter, paper goods, and toiletries.


