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Blanchard Valley Health System

Weekend Doctor: Obstructive Sleep Apnea

By Tom Zhou, MD
ENT Specialists of Northwest Ohio

Snoring is a loud, harsh sound that occurs when the movement of air in the throat causes the throat tissues to vibrate, specifically during sleep when muscles relax and the throat narrows. While snoring itself does not typically cause medical problems, snoring is often associated with obstructive sleep apnea, which is a serious medical condition and is considered a "silent" killer.

Stroke Recognition and Prevention

Many people in our community and the surrounding communities know someone that has been affected by a stroke. Whether you are the caretaker, friend or stroke patient, it is important to understand the recognition and prevention of strokes.

Spinal Arthritis

According to the CDC, over 32 million people suffer from osteoarthritis. Arthritis is inflammation and soreness in your joints. Chronic pain caused by arthritis affects approximately one in four adults. This equates to over 15 million people. Spinal arthritis is a specific type of arthritis that focuses on inflammation of the facet joints that can be located throughout the whole spine.


Although midwives have been around for hundreds of years, the term midwife is one that not many are able to clearly define. There is often confusion surrounding the many types of midwives and the span of roles a midwife might play. Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) are highly trained providers who first were educated and trained as registered nurses, then chose to attend accredited universities, followed by passing a midwifery board-certified examination. CNMs also must maintain their licensures every five years by completing a number of continuing education requirements.

Working with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease

Anyone that has suffered with any autoimmune gastrointestinal disease knows what it is like to work day in and day out with this horrible condition. We suffer in silence a lot because the subject is not pleasant to talk about with co-workers.

Blanchard Valley Health System to host virtual presentation

Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host “Managing Menopause: Understanding the Different Stages of Menopause” virtual presentation, a part of the 2021 virtual “Live and Learn” Facebook Live series.
