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Agenda for April 10 Bluffton council meeting

The Village of Bluffton council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 10. The agenda and supporting materials provided by the Village preview  some of the topics and legislation to be included in the meeting.

Logan Mattewson will make an Eagle Scout presentation. He is working with GROB Systems employees on the fabrication, welding and design of a U.S. flag retirement box to be located at Town Hall. Photos of the box are on the GROB Facebook page.

Parks & Recreation will report on information provided by the Bluffton Disc Golf Association regarding progress and future development. The committee will also review complaints about owners not cleaning up after their pets on the village pathways; the installation of pet waste bag dispensers and using Village employee time to refill them will be discussed.

- A resolution establishing pool admission rates as well as positions and wages for pool staff.

- A resolution authorizing the mayor to enter into a contract with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the construction of the State Route 103 multi-use pathway (by emergency).

