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The barbecued dinner that wasn't

Picture this. It's Memorial Day and the annual parade route rolls right past your house. A slew of people will be walking past your house. What do you do? Half of the Steiners take advantage of the opportunity to market two of the bicycles ousted from the family stock. Within minutes they were snapped up.

Now picture this. It's 11:30 a.m. and the husband casually announces to daughter number one that the Legion is having a Harlan's chicken bbq. Never one to turn down Harlan's, she is in the car before words are out of his mouth.

Not wishing to rain on their proverbial parade, I kept my mouth shut (yes, I know...hard to believe). Actually, while I didn't say what I was really thinking, I suggested they get three dinners since daughter number two had just passed Dayton on her way from Cincy. I usually only eat some of the chicken from Dad's share.

So off they the unspoken thought again crossed my mind that we've been down this road pre-purchased tickets can be a problem with a sell-out crowd of Harlan's on Memorial Day.

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