Deb Kiene steps down as high school secretary on Sept. 14

Deb Kiene, secretary at Bluffton High School for several years, will resign from her position on Sept. 14. Action on naming her replacement will be on the Monday Bluffton school board agenda.

According to the board agenda, which is part of this story, the board will consider offering a contract to Karen Phillips.

Several other decisions will be made on Monday. Those are listed in the agenda.

The following supplemental contracts will be considered:

Head Softball  Anthony Rumer
Wrestling Assistant Travis Kleman
Volunteer Assistant Wrestling  Mike Wilson
Volunteer Assistant Wrestling Mike Nuzum
Volunteer Middle School Assistant Wrestling  Jesse Herr
Assistant Girls Basketball Rachel Diller
Head Middle School Girls Basketball Daniel Smith
Assistant Boys Basketball Alex Hanna
Part -time Assistant Boys Basketball Robert Kindred
Freshman Boys Basketball Chris Ackerman
Head Middle School Boys Basketball Daniel Garlock
Middle School Assistant Boys Basketball Ryan Dunlap
Volunteer  Assistant Girls Tennis Jon Sprague