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Citizens National Bank listed as "Top Performer" by ICBA

Citizens National Bank is recognized in the May issue of Independent Bank, the magazine of Independent Community Bankers of America (ICBA).

The bank is listed as an ICBA Top Performer. This recognition is based on Citizens National Bank’s 2014 year-end earnings and operational efficiencies.

“Whether serving rural, suburban or large metropolitan areas, community banks operate with the same focus by always putting their customers and communities first,” said Chris Lorence, ICBA executive vice president and chief marketing officer.

“The community banks featured on Independent Banker’s Top Performers listings know their local markets and thrive because they stay true to the principles of community banking while showcasing drive, ingenuity and community commitment.

These high-achieving community banks demonstrate integrity, enthusiasm and inventiveness in the financial industry, and ICBA is proud to recognize them for their outstanding efforts.”

As part of its annual performance rankings of ICBA member institutions, Independent Banker pulled year-end FDIC data to identify the community banks in six asset-size categories, both for Subchapter C corporation and Subchapter S corporation banks. Each top listing measures community banks by their return on average assets (ROA) and return on average equity (ROE) ratios for all of 2014.

Citizens National Bank was ranked 24th in Subchapter S return on assets (ROA) and 17th in Subchapter S return on average equity (ROE).

“We are delighted to again be recognized as an ICBA Top Performer,” said Mike Romey, President/CEO of Citizens National Bank.

“We credit our loyal customers and dedicated employees for our continued success. We look forward to serving the unique needs of our markets and helping them grow and prosper in the years to come.”

To see the ICBA Top Performers listings, read the article “The Best of the Best” on ICBA Independent Banker’s website at
