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Bluffton Lions Club October newsletter available to Icon viewers

The Bluffton Lions Club October newsletter is now available to Icon viewers.

Simply open the printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story to read the newsletter.


Bluffton chamber announces fall breakfast topics and workshops co-sponsored by BCE

Several fall Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce programs are in the planning stages. In addition, the chamber, in conjunction with Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs, is beginning to add workshops covering specific topics, which follow some of the monthly breakfast meetings.


When ZT meant Pandora

For a moment we thought it was 1960. The Icon spotted this 76 ZT plate in downtown Bluffton. In a previous Ohio license plate system, ZT plates were available only in Pandora. Someone kept number 76 for a very long time.


20 rainy days in September

It didn't rain 40 days and 40 nights in September, but it rained 20 of September's 30 days and total rainfall measured 7.66 inches during the month. That compares with September's normal average of 2.95 inches, according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer.

Here's some other September weather figures from Verhoff:

The average September temperature in 2011: 63.2
Normal average September temperature: 63.7 degrees
Maximum September temperature: 94 on Sept. 3
Minimum September temperature: 40 on Sept. 16


Here's the October Bluffton school menus

Here's Bluffton school lunch menus for October.

Click for elementary-middle school menu.

Click for high school menu.


$21,000 estimate to repair Pandora EMS building

Pandor council received a quote of $21,000 from Tuttle Construction, Lima, to repair its EMS building. The announcement was made at the Sept. 13 council meeting.

Minutes from the meeting follow:

The Pandora Village Council met in Regular Session on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, at 7:00 PM at the Municipal Building with Mayor, John Schlumbohm, presiding.

Members Present: Painter, Vance, Fricke, Hall, Stall
Members Absent: Blank

The meeting was opened with Pledge of Allegiance.

