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Icon introduces two weekly football contests: one for high school games, one for college games

Ready for some football? The Icon is ready. This year we offer viewers two weekly contests. One features high school games; the second features college games.

Viewers may enter one or both contests. Entering is simple: Pick your teams and hit send. All entries are e-mailed directly to our judge, Corey Greer. This way, viewers from across the United States, or the world for that matter, may play.

We ask that viewers enter their names only once each week in each contest. Viewers may enter additional times each week by using other person's names.

The high school contest will run for 10 weeks. If area teams advance to playoffs the contest will continue. The college contest will run until the week of the Ohio State-Michigan game.

Various prizes are being provided to each week's winner in the high school and the college contest. At the moment each weekly winner will receive two tickets to a home Bluffton University football game, and a cup of coffee from Common Grounds. Additional prizes are in the works.

Two tie-breakers are provided in case of ties. The entry forms are accessible two ways. One way is to click "Football Contests" on the top black bar on the home page. The other way is to go to the bottom right of the home page and open "Icon Football Contests." Both ways take viewers to the same entry site.

High school entry deadlines are 5 p.m. each Friday. College entry deadlines vary depending upon the week. The first week's deadline is Thursday, Sept. 1. Most college deadlines will be at 5 p.m. each Friday.
