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Steiner and Granger Financial Services open, working remotely

"We can fully service your accounts electronically"

Message from Steiner and Granger Insurance and Financial Services,
141 N. Main St., Bluffton

We are working remotely due to the governor's COVID-19 recommendations.

We are grateful that today's technology allows us to fully service your accounts electronically.


Business update from Fortman Insurance Services

Working remotely and answering your calls

Message from Fortman Insurance Services, 115 N. Main St., Bluffton

Given Ohio Governor Mike DeWine's recommendation to suspend business due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our offices will be closed.  

We are, however, working on setting up employees to work from home, so please bear with us, as this may take some time. 

We will be working remotely and have limited access from home.  We will be responding to phone calls and emails as best as we can.  We thank you for your patience during this time.


Outdoor birthday serenade

Corrinne Boehr, resident of Maple Crest, received a family birthday serende this afternoon. Corrinne celebrates her 89th birthday today. Her husband, Dick, stands by her window as the Boehr family singers stand behind him, while Corrinne listens on the phone.The Icon invites you to sing along with the video attached as the Boehr-extended family breaks into that familar tune.

Update from John Wagner Agency, Nationwide Insurance

Business open via phone, e-mail, texting, additional details in this story

The following notice is from John Wagner Agency, Nationwide Insurance, 105 N. Main St., Bluffton

Effective Monday – March 23 – We are an essential services operation and I will be here each business day to serve you. However, due to guidelines established by the Ohio Department of Health, I must close my office to all foot traffic.

We are fully capable to take care of your insurance needs, but a little different than you may be used to. I am able to take payments by any method you wish, over the phone. 


Community Assistance Program working to get Community Market gift cards

For the first time ever assistance program uses its contingency/emergency funds

In an effort to assist residents of the Bluffton Village School District and members of Bluffton churches, the Bluffton Community Assistance Corp. announced today that it will, for the first-time ever, use its contingency/ emergency funds for community assistance, according to Ed Yeager, board president.

He explained how this funding will be used:

Community Market gift cards have been ordered and will be made available directly from the food pantry on the third Saturday of April and, if necessary, the following Wednesday. 


Roundabouts chosen for SR 309 at Thayer and Napoleon roads

Intersection projects to move forward with recommended alternatives

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) District 1 has chosen single-lane roundabout designs to improve the safety of two intersections on state Route 309 east of Lima.

During a public meeting in January, roundabouts were the recommended alternative presented for the intersections of state Route 309 at Thayer Road and state Route 309 at Napoleon Road.

The decision was made after ODOT and its consultant, Jacobs Engineering Group of Cincinnati, gathered feedback on the alternatives during stakeholder meetings and a public meeting.

