BVHS offering continuing education courses June 3
Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) will host its fourth annual Continuing Education Extravaganza Friday, June 3 in Marathon Auditorium at Blanchard Valley Hospital, Findlay. Registration will begin at 8:45 a.m., and the event will adjourn at 2:45 p.m.
The continuing education event is for all health care workers, and 4.25 Ohio Board of Nursing continuing education credits will be awarded for nurses.
Topics include:
- "Bug" identification- Ohio Board of Nursing laws and rules
- Value-based purchasing - what it means to health care- Believing in yourself to manage diabetes
- Insulin pump - a closer look at an improved lifestyle
Cost is $10 for BVHS employees, BVHS retirees and students, and $40 for other attendees.
Registration is required and must be received by May 27 by calling 419.429.6417.
Breakfast and lunch will be included.
Blanchard Valley Health System, OLN-0015-P, is approved as a provider unit of continuing education by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the approver unit at the Ohio League for Nursing (OBN-006-92) and provider unit status is valid through May 2012.
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