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Men's hats, $3.95 each


Men's hats for $3.95 each, slacks for $2.99 and gloves for 23 cents a pair. Only at The Charles Company, once a downtown Bluffton business.

Our best guess is that this is either opening day of The Charles Co. in Bluffton, or on a stretch, one of Bluffton's Dollar Day sales. Leland Gerber took the photo.

The Charles Co., 108-110 S. Main St., was located where Citizens National Bank lobby stand today. Above it at one time was The Iron Lantern Restaurant.

Millager's Pharmacy eventually replaced The Charles Company when it closed.

Viewers with other observations of this photo are welcome to comment. Our guess on a year is early to mid-1950s.

In September we ran a photo showing the outside of the store. We believe both photos were taken at the same event. Click here.