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Check up on Andy Lamb in his Peace Corp assignment - here's his blog

Andy Lamb of Bluffton recently joined the Peace Corp and is serving in Dominican Republic. He sent the Icon his blog link to share with viewers.

Persons interested in following his Peace Corp experiences are invited to check his blog here.

As an example, here's a paragraph from a recent blog post he titles: Si Dios Quiere.

It’s the tagline of every Doña and otherwise God-fearing person in the DR: Si Dios Quiere. Literally translated it means “if God is willing,” but it’s also a handy way to get out of doing things you would rather avoid… “Sure I’ll take your dogs for a walk, si Dios quiere.”

The people here are so independent of time, that they even use the phrase when setting a time and place to meet up. While the tardiness can get old, I highly doubt this phrase ever will. It’s an elegant way of saying you might not come good on what you promised while still not claiming any culpability.

