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Sportsmen's Club will stock Cobb Lake

No tagged trout; club house open June 7 selling memberships, raffle tickets

The recent flooding of the Buckeye quarry has altered fish stocking plans for this year, according to Tom Augsburger, president of the Bluffton Sportsmen’s Club. 

Augsburger said that the club will only place trout in Cobb Lake (National Quarry). No trout will be tagged this year.

Persons who fish in the Buckeye or National must be a sportsmen’s club member.

On Sunday June 7, the clubhouse (Bluffton depot on Spring Street near the Buckeye) will be open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. for memberships and ticket sales. 

Raffle prize drawing will take place after 3 p.m. Winners will be notified. 

The derby was originally moved to June 7, but was then cancelled due to COVID-19.