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First United Methodist Church returns to in-person worship

First United Methodist Church, 116 Church St., Bluffton, has returned to in-person worship with its Sunday service at 10:30 a.m.

Many changes have been made in order to follow current COVID-19 safety protocols.

Changes include:
• Please wear a mask; please announce your name to the greeter at the door as you enter so we have accurate attendance information (for contact tracing if needed);
• Please observe at least 6 feet of social distancing;
• and there will be no nursery care, Children's Moments, or Kids' Church at this time.
• Videos of the worship services will be posted on Facebook either on the Sunday of the service or within a day or two of the service taking place.

Call the church office at 419-358-8921 or send an email to [email protected] with any questions or concerns.


Thank you, Fred!





Susan Liska
