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Jefferson Street Phase II project bid awarded

Lower bidder from Monroeville award project at $813,882

On Monday, Bluffton council awarded a contract for its Jefferson Street Phase II project, following a second bidding of the project.

The Monday council packet is attached at the bottom of this story -

Council awarded a contract to Underground Utilities, Inc., of Monroeville, the low bidder at $813,882.50. Legislation passed by emergency so that the project can stay on schedule. 

Phase II was originally scheduled for 2020 but was put off one year due to state funding issues related to covid-19.

The project includes sanitary sewer line, laterals to each property, new storm and catch basins, with storm sewer laterals to each property, six-foot sidewalks, curbs and a retaining wall for some of the properties near the railroad.

The sidewalk and retaining wall construction will be completed in coordination with AEP transmission pole replacement.

An anticipated completion date is July 30.

Council also set several committee meetings that follow:
• Board of Zoning and Building Appeals – Monday, 2/15, 6:30 p.m. town hall
• Utilities Committee – Wednesday, 2/17, 10 a.m., town hall
• Streets, Alleys, Lights and Sidewalk Committee – Wednesday, 2/17, 5:30 p.m.
• Council meeting – Monday, 2/22,  p.m.
• A Personnel and Finance Committees meet originally set for Wednesday, Feb. 10, is rescheduled for noon on Feb. 17.
