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Elementary Christmas concert Monday afternoon

Here's some news from the Bluffton Elementary School, taken from the school website:

CHRISTMAS CONCERT:  The Bluffton Elementary Christmas concert will be held on Monday, Dec. 14, at 1:30 p.m. in the High School gymnasium. 

ELEMENTARY SERVICE PROJECT: Our Christmas service project for Bluffton Elementary staff and students is “Coins for Kids.”  We will hold a coin drive in cooperation with the Bluffton Food Pantry to “Adopt a Family” for Christmas. We  hope to collect enough money to adopt a number of families. 

ELEMENTARY MEMORY BOOKS:  A colorful elementary Memory Book for the 2015-2016 school year will be on sale in January until Feb. 11.  Informational flyers will be sent home with each student. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED:  Reading tutors are needed at all elementary grade levels. Grandparents are welcome.  If you are interested, contact Beth Ackerman at 419-358-7951.

FIFTH GRADE QUIZ BOWL SEASON BEGINS:  Jan. 25 is the first Quiz Bowl match. All matches will be held at Shawnee Middle School.

Our team members are: Kameron Coughlan, Riley Eachus, Kendal Giesige, Justin Good, Nolan Hoffman, Gavin Kruse, Wyatt Lovell, Julia Mehaffie, Emerson Meza, Jonah Rehm, Olivia Smallcombe, Jacob Szabo, and Riley Verb. They are coached by Teri Steinmetz.

P.T.O. NEWS: You may have already seen flyers come home regarding Bakery Bingo, which will take place on Jan 30, 2016. Each classroom has a basket to fill along with a theme, then at Bakery Bingo tickets may be purchased for a chance to win a basket. Last year we had over 75 baskets. We are in the process of filling teacher requests and purchasing things for classrooms...such as two new document cameras for the 4th grade classrooms.


