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Boy did we goof! You'll love this - wrong town!

Boy, did we goof!

The photo of the A and P is NOT the Bluffton store. It's the ADA store.

Thanks to a couple hawk-eyed viewers, we've admitted our error. Take for example, this comment from Ken Cookson:

That photo of the A & P store just doesn’t look right.  The adjacent buildings don’t match what was there then or now.  Is that a parking meter in the photo to the right?

And this comment from Sam Diller:

Fred, that cannot be the Bluffton A & P on Cherry Street. It may be in Ada, I think, but it's not Bluffton because the Bluffton building was never free standing and never had another building in such close proximity.

And, then, making no comment, but liking the photo on Facebook was Ada's David Dellifield. When he "liked" the picture, we felt something was a miss, but couldn't identify the problem.

Thank you, Icon viewers.

(Dick Boehr heard our grief and just laughed(

Here's our original story, (incorrect):

Dick Boehr cleaned out another drawer of interesting Bluffton photos and is sharing these with The Icon.

The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company and Bluffton enjoyed a decades-long relationship. Originally, the store was on South Main Street in today's Town and County Flowers.

It moved to Cherry Street, as the photo shows. Today the A &P is Family Dollar. Dick Boehr took this photo on June 23, 1970.