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Were you in a class taught by Mrs. Shetler?

Bluffton High School class of 1978 as third graders 
Geneva Shetler's class

1st row —Jeff Althaus, Tom Falk, Valli Badertscher, Rebecca Luginbuhl, Alan Begg, Mike Warren, Roy Davis , Stephen Shook, Marjorie Miller and Karen Moser.

2nd row—Mike Gleason, Liz Chidester, Barb Alspach, Christine Moser, Carol or Cathy Warren ( they were twins so not sure), Mark Huber, Kay Snare and ____

3rd Row—Roxy Parent, Donna Mathews, Tom Carter, Jacqui Garmatter, Mark Rau, Elizabeth Spinelli, Nancy McCafferty and Bev Luginbihl.

Photo ID provided by Liz Serin.