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Letter: About those pumpkins on Main Street

Note: The Icon accidentially sat on this letter by error. We received it on Oct. 14. Our apologies.

Icon viewers:

You may soon notice that pumpkins aren’t just orange this year.  Before long, hand-painted pumpkins will be distributed throughout Bluffton, exhibiting a variety of colors not typically seen on this fixture of autumn.

And if you happen to find yourself on Main Street on the evening of October 16, you will bear witness to a high school pumpkin scavenger hunt.  Why all the hullabaloo about Halloween?  The answer is cancer awareness. 

Organized by Bluffton High School’s peer facilitation class, students painted the pumpkins different colors, each representing a different cancer.  Soon the pumpkins will be spread along Main Street with attached cancer facts and statistics to be discovered during the scavenger hunt. 

Huge thanks to Jerry Suter for providing the pumpkins at an amazing discount as well as to the businesses and community members who helped with the scavenger hunt.

Elizabeth Nisly
