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Food pantry operated in "safety mode" during January and February

Here's a list of items needed to help stock the shelves

Bluffton Community Assistance Program’s food pantry operated in safety mode during January and February, according to Ed Yeager, board president.

Due to covid-19 cautions, during the first two months of 2021 the pantry provided its clients with Community Market gift cards rather than inviting clients to the panty, located at St. John’s United Church of Christ.

Yeager provided the Icon with a list of needs from the food pantry, which follow:
• Toilet paper
• Tissues
• Paper towels
• Lotions
• Shampoos
• Canned mandarin oranges
• Canned meat products
• Chunky soups
• Chef Boy-R-Dee products
• Hamburger Helper
• Tuna Helper

Glass items are appreciated, but the pantry would prefer no glass.  The cement floors make that a problem sometimes.

Yeager said that outdated items cannot be distributed. 

“Please encourage participants to check dates, paying attention to the month as well as the year,” he added.

“Thank you to all the churches and community members,’" Yeager said. “Your support in the food pantry is important, especially during the pandemic.

